Create Calculated Properties in PowerShell with Select-Object, Format-Table, and Format-List

PowerShell offers a range of cmdlets and functionalities that allow you to format and manipulate data in countless ways. One such feature is the ability to create calculated properties using Select-Object, Format-Table, and Format-List. Calculated properties allow you to create custom objects, enabling more effective data management and presentation.

Using Select-Object for Calculated Properties

The Select-Object cmdlet is primarily used to select specific properties of an object but also allows you to create new, calculated properties. To create a calculated property, use the following syntax, where PropertyName is the name or label of the new property:

1Select-Object -Property @{Name='PropertyName'; Expression={$_.Property}}

Using Format-Table or Format-List for Calculated Properties

The Format-Table and Format-List cmdlets can format the output as a table or list, and like Select-Object, they allow you to create calculated properties. To create a calculated property, use the following syntax, where PropertyName is the label or name of the new property:

1Format-Table -Property @{Label='PropertyName'; Expression={$_.Property}}
3Format-List -Property @{Label='PropertyName'; Expression={$_.Property}}

History of Calculated Properties

In PowerShell version 1.0, the Select-Object cmdlet only supported Name for the hash table key name of calculated properties, and Format-Table and Format-List only supported Label. In PowerShell version 2.0, Select-Object was updated to support Label, and Format-Table and Format-List were updated to support Name. They now support both for backward compatibility and consistency.

 1Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
 2Select-Object -Property DeviceID, @{Label='FreeSpaceGB'; Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace / 1GB)}}
 4Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
 5Select-Object -Property DeviceID, @{Name='FreeSpaceGB'; Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace / 1GB)}}
 7Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
 8Format-Table -Property DeviceID, @{Label='FreeSpaceGB'; Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace / 1GB)}}
10Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
11Format-Table -Property DeviceID, @{Name='FreeSpaceGB'; Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace / 1GB)}}

Calculated properties in PowerShell version 1.0

Scenario: Identify Classic Application Insights using Azure PowerShell

This scenario requires an Azure subscription and the Az PowerShell module. For installation instructions, see How to install Azure PowerShell or use the Az PowerShell module from Azure Cloud Shell.

You must identify classic Application Insights using Azure PowerShell with an additional property named Type. The Type property should display Workspace-based if the IngestionMode property is equal to LogAnalytics or Classic if the IngestionMode property is equal to ApplicationInsights. Here’s how to achieve this with a calculated property:

1Get-AzApplicationInsights |
2Format-List -Property Name, IngestionMode, WorkspaceResourceId,
3                      @{label='Type';expression={
4                        if ($_.IngestionMode -eq 'LogAnalytics') {
5                          'Workspace-based'
6                        } elseif ($_.IngestionMode -eq 'ApplicationInsights') {
7                          'Classic'
8                        }
9                      }}

Identifying classic Application Insights using Azure PowerShell


PowerShell’s Select-Object, Format-Table, and Format-List cmdlets are versatile and powerful, allowing you to create calculated properties to manipulate and present data efficiently. Effectively utilizing these cmdlets can produce more readable output and aid in data analysis and management tasks.

Whether you format the display of process information, calculate disk space, or perform other data manipulation, leveraging calculated properties can enhance your PowerShell experience. Experiment with different expressions and formatting options to explore these cmdlets' extensive possibilities.
