PowerShell Core 6: ValidatePattern Custom Error Messages
Last week, I received a comment on
my previous blog article
from fellow Microsoft MVP Joel Bennett which referenced using an
parameter similar to how ValidatePattern
works in PowerShell Core version 6. I knew
I'd seen some discussion about this on GitHub, but I wasn't aware that it had made it into the
production release. Joel's message is shown in the following image.
I had to figure out how to use custom error messages with ValidatePattern
. After all, that was the
whole reason I avoided using ValidatePattern
in the first place and wrote
my own better ValidatePattern using ValidateScript.
Taking a look at the
help topic and searching around on the Internet revealed nothing at all. Since I knew I had
previously seen something about it on GitHub, I headed over there for answers. Bingo!
Issue 3748 in the PowerShell repository
revealed what I was looking for. Not only had custom error message support been added to
, but it had also been added to ValidateScript
and ValidateSet
The following code shows a simple example of using a custom error message with the ValidatePattern
parameter validation attribute in PowerShell Core 6.
1function Test-ValidatePattern {
2 [CmdletBinding()]
3 param (
4 [ValidatePattern('^(?!^(PRN|AUX|CLOCK\$|NUL|CON|COM\d|LPT\d|\..*)(\..+)?$)[^\x00-\x1f\\?*:\"";|/]+$',
5 ErrorMessage = "{0} is not a valid file name")]
6 [string]$FileName
7 )
8 Write-Output $FileName
A custom error message can also be used with ValidateScript
and ValidateSet
just like with
what's shown in the previous example, except using those parameter validation attributes instead of
. Keep in mind, this only works with PowerShell Core and not Windows PowerShell.