PowerShell One-Liner to Query multiple WMI Classes with a CIM Session
Today I thought I would share a one-liner that I recently wrote to query the Manufacturer, Model, and Serial Number information from numerous remote servers. Sounds simple enough, right?
This one-liner starts out by using my New-MrCimSession function to create a CIM session to each of the specified servers. This function automatically determines if the remote server supports the WSMan protocol and falls back to DCom if it doesn't:
1Get-CimSession | Select-Object -Property Name, ComputerName, Protocol
Two different WMI classes are needed to retrieve the necessary information. The manufacturer and
serial number can be retrieved from the Win32\_BIOS
class and the model can be retrieved from the
class. Retrieving this information with a script or function and combining
the results from both classes into a custom object would be simple, but it's a little more
challenging to retrieving this information with a one-liner.
1New-MrCimSession -ComputerName sql02, sql03, sql04, web01 -Credential (Get-Credential) |
2Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS -Property Manufacturer, SerialNumber |
3Select-Object -Property PSComputerName, Manufacturer,
4 @{label='Model';expression={(Get-CimInstance -CimSession (
5 Get-CimSession | Where-Object ComputerName -eq $_.PSComputerName
6 ) -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem -Property Model).Model}},
7 SerialNumber
The challenging part is reusing the CIM session with Select-Object
to query the second WMI class
while creating a custom object with a one-liner.
Be sure to remove those CIM sessions when you're finished:
1Get-CimSession | Remove-CimSession
The CIM cmdlets were first introduced with PowerShell version 3. The computer you're performing the
query from must have at least PowerShell version 3 installed, but the remote computer that the query
is being run against doesn't need PowerShell installed at all since using Get-CimInstance
with a
CIM session allows it to fall back to using the DCom protocol.
The New-MrCimSession
function shown in the blog article can be downloaded from
my PowerShell repository on GitHub or
installed as part of my MrToolkit module from the PowerShell Gallery.