Use PowerShell to Check for Processor (CPU) Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) Support
The hardware requirements for using Hyper-V to run virtual machines on a Windows 8 client states that a 64-bit system that has a processor (CPU) that supports Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) is required. A minimum of 4GB of RAM is also required. How do I know if my Processor (CPU) supports Second Level Address Translation?
You could do like most blogs on the Internet state and use Coreinfo:
You have two additional choices if you already have Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 Installed. #1 -
Run systeminfo.exe
#2 - You could use this thing called PowerShell which is what all the cool kids are using these days:
1Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_processor -Property Name, SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions, VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled, VMMonitorModeExtensions |
2Format-List Name, SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions, VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled, VMMonitorModeExtensions